Jul 19, 2019 | Announcements, Children
This week has been Performing Arts Camp time at Central with the “Let’s Rock” theme and it has been a busy week. Have a look at the photos and see then fun, excitement and creativity at work. It has been a learning/growing week full of new...
Apr 16, 2019 | Children, Ministries
At the Easter season when we talk about death and resurrection, the egg is a wonderful symbol of life. Dyeing them the many colors of spring is always fun. Central children experienced this last Sunday. They used a new technique for dyeing the eggs using bags of rice...
Dec 18, 2018 | Children, Community, Missions
Central Santas delivered Christmas gifts (at least two each) for 50 preschool children at Chiles Academy in Daytona Beach. The mission of The Chiles Academy is to combine a community of support and guidance for pregnant and parenting students with the goal of...
Aug 25, 2018 | Announcements, Children, Community
Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPs) gathers every second and fourth Monday at the church. Our summer break is over! Beginning August 13, mothers and their preschoolers will gather at Central from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Moms will enjoy breakfast and conversation while their...