What to Expect
Sunday School: Join us at 9:30 a.m.
Many of our classes study a curriculum developed by the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship and are bible based. Each of our adult classes has a distinctive character. You are welcome to explore each of them and select the one that best fits your needs.
- Children and Youth: Upstairs in the Sanctuary building
- Prayers, Pairs & Spares: Room 4 in the Sanctuary building
- Joy Class: (ladies only) Room 118 next to the playground in the Marchman Building
- New Beginnings Class: Room 117 next to the playground in the Marchman Building
- Open Door Class: Room 107 in the Marchman Building
Worship: We gather at 11:00 a.m.
Our worship service is blended with traditional hymns and contemporary music. We read scripture and pray the Lord’s Prayer. Most Sunday services invite all those who confess Christ as Lord to take communion with us. Dress is casual. The service is streamed live on the church website CentralBC.org. The service is led by our pastor, deacons, and music leadership and involves children and adults. You are welcome to check us out. We have two audio-equipped “cry rooms” in the rear of the sanctuary for the comfort of parents.
Follow us on Facebook for the latest news and photos.

Music at Central
Central welcomes singers and instrumentalists to share their gifts in worship and celebration. On Sunday mornings we use singers on the stage to lead worship along with instrumentalists which include piano, organ, clarinet, keyboards, flute and guitar. Wednesday evening, our Connections program of meditation uses singers, clarinet, guitar and keyboard. If you are interested in using your gifts to glorify God and uplift the community, please contact Laurie Moran or contact the church office, 386-255-2588, secretary@centralbc.org.