It’s Time to Register for Vacation Bible School!  “Adventures on Promise Island” begins the first week after school closes: June 9-13. It’s 5 evenings (6:00-8:00 p.m.), filled with FUN, friendships, stories, music, snacks, games, and crafts! Plans are almost complete …. Lisa Messersmith and Alice Glover and their team have been working for weeks to prepare for the children who will attend this FREE! event to kick-start our summer of exciting activities for children and youth.  The Lifetree Café team will welcome any parents who wish to “hangout” in their coffee house while the kids age 3 through grade 5 (completed) learn together, or the children may be dropped-off and picked-up. Friday night is a playtime event for the WHOLE Family, complete with an inflatable slide, an indoor maze, food, music and more.
We NEED YOUR HELP with getting children registered. Forms are in the foyer and also available for printing online from the church website. Knowing how many children to expect is vital to our planning.  Will you call your friends, neighbors and relatives to encourage them to get their registrations in?

If you’d like to help gather supplies you may purchase any of these items and drop them in the collection box near the church office. Thanks, in advance, for doing your part!

VBS Supplies Needed:
-stretchy string (.5mm Stretch Magic or Better Beads Elastic Line)
-2 bottles clear nail polish
-3 lg jars of coconut oil
-peppermint oil, lemon extract, vanilla extract
-30 daily plastic pill containers (1 per kid)                                                   -4 rolls while duct tape                                                                                   -4 rolls red duct tape                                                                                  -Sharpie markers (various colors)                                                                 -200 ft. 1/4 inch white twisted poly rope