Dear Central Family,

Last week we had a number of people traveling, so I wanted to make sure that you all had a chance to receive the great news that the search committee for the minister of worship, youth and families has a candidate to present to the church for a call. His name is Matt Nelson, and if you were in church a few weeks ago, you had a chance to hear his passion as he led us in some singing with the praise band. Information about Matt, including his resume, his job description, and his salary package have been emailed to church members. If you have difficulty opening the attachments, please let us know and we will get you a hard copy.

To that end, Matt will be leading us in worship on Sunday, September 13th in view of a call. The search committee has called for a church conference on the 13th immediately following worship for us to vote in favor of calling Matt as our Associate Pastor of Worship, Youth and Families. We will be holding a church communication meeting next Wednesday, September 9th, at 6:30, where you can ask any questions you would like of the search committee, you can hear the process we went through in the search, and our thoughts regarding the time we have spent with Matt.

The weekend of the 11th-13th, we will be providing time for the church to get to know Matt, including an ice cream social on the 12th at 6 p.m. in Adams Hall and an informal question and answer time. More information is coming regarding the weekend, so be on the lookout for announcements.

This is an exciting time in our church’s life, and I believe that God has been a part of this process all along. I hope that you will take the time to review these materials, and then to be there to hear Matt’s leadership on the 13th.



Job description for Matt Nelson