Summer is rapidly approaching and perhaps you’re wondering about our plans for kids’ camp. Last November, after the church voted to sell our church camp, the deacons were asked for a guided decision about taking our children and youth to camp this year. Since there was no way to predict whether our camp would still be available by summer, 2015, and because preparing a volunteer-led camp requires months of planning and preparation, the deacon body directed us to research and reserve space for our children and youth at another professionally produced Christian camp. The children’s team met and decided that we should go to Camp KidJam in Lakeland, FL, June 10-13 (for kids who have completed grades 2 through 5). Passport Mission Camp in Jacksonville, FL, June 28-July 3 was chosen for youth (grades 6 through 12, completed).

These camps are pricier than we are accustomed to but our kids will receive a great value for the expenditure, full of loud praise and worship, crazy skits and games, and dynamic speakers with stories and teaching that is right on the level of our kids. They will have fun and grow closer to Christ. Since there is no provision in the 2015 church budget to help with these expenses and because there is a high degree of financial need, we committed to help the kids earn at least part of the money. Attempts were made in planning the fundraisers to make them events that are already a part of our everyday lives, like getting our cars washed, providing meals after worship, etc. We had a salad/potato bar last Sunday and provided ice cream sundaes for Wednesday night dinner. This Sunday we will have baked goods for sale in the parking lot after worship, and we’re planning a carwash for Wednesday, April 8, from 4:00-6:00. Donations to help cover fees are also gratefully accepted. We MUST PAY ALL FEES for these camps by May 1st. At this printing we have 8 children’s camp registrations and 7 youth camp registrations.

We need YOUR help with our fund-raising and your prayers that this will be a meaningful experience for everyone. Thank you, in advance, for showing your love for our young people by helping send them to camp!

Jennifer Goodwin is also planning to lead a family retreat for youth and their families out at our camp if it is not sold before summer on June 10-15. Interested folks may contact her for details.

Don’t miss these additional summer events for kids: Vacation Bible School will be June 15-19, 6:00 to 8:00 p.m., for age 3 through grade 5, completed. And Performing Arts Day Camp, for kids who have completed kindergarten through grade 7, will be held June 21-25, with the musical performance on Thursday evening, June 25. Please help us spread the news that summer at Central is an active and exciting time for children and youth.

Serving together, Linda