If you missed it in the service, Sunday December 2, or want to share it with a friend,  the ministry budget video can be viewed below.  The full text follows.

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Budget Presentation Script 2019
Final November 28, 2018 version for Worship Service December 2, 2018

(visuals) (narration)
2019 Proposed

Ministry Budget

The budget of the church is a numerical picture of the ministry plan for the year.
The budget is not merely an accounting document.

It reflects our hopes, dreams and the determination to live out our life in Christ together.

National, State and Local Ministry Partners National, State and Local Ministry Partners
CBF logo The Cooperative Baptist Fellowship is our denominational home.
As a part of CBF, we support worldwide missions of evangelism, support new and existing churches and meet human needs brought on by crises and poverty.

Over CBF logo

Seven  percent of our offerings will go to CBF.
The Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of Florida The Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of Florida ministers here in our state, providing support for local congregations as well as direct support for ministry centers in places of dire need.
2% CBF of Florida Two percent of our offering goes to the CBF of Florida.
HUM /UB Pantry In our local area, we provide funds for the life- changing efforts of Halifax Urban Ministries and the food ministry of the United Brethren Pantry.

UB Pantry


Each of these will receive one-half percent of our offerings.
$27,953 Almost $28,000 is the total budget for these four ministry partners.
Local Church Ministries

Over video

Local Church Ministries




Personnel support

The local ministries of this church include education, worship, fellowship, missions and personnel support.
Children Our ministry to children is one of the highest priorities of this congregation. Literature, healthy snacks, retreats, and teaching equipment are all a part of the budget of our children’s work.
$3,000 $3,000 is the resource the church will be providing for our children’s work.
Youth Our work with youth helps them to transition from childhood to adulthood.
In the church youth program, adult role models and Christian teaching are augmented
with mission projects and worship opportunities presenting youth with  healthy Christian alternatives for their lives.
The funds will be used for refreshments, educational materials, transportation and other expenses for the program.
$2,100 $2,100 is the resource the church will provide for the Youth program.
Adult Ministry The Adult Ministry includes the literature and supplies for adult Bible study.
SS quarterly/class Even though many adult classes pay for their own Sunday school quarterlies, we budget as if that were not the case.
Class LS The church is grateful that the classes reimburse much of this expense.
$4,000 $4,000 is the resource the church will provide for adult ministries.
Senior Adult Ministries Senior adult ministries sponsors trips, programs and for adults over fifty-five.
The funds the church will provide will bring entertainment, food and assistance for people unable to fund their own participation in senior adult activities.
$1,100 $1,100 is the resource the church will provide for Senior Adult ministries.
Counseling Ministry The Counseling ministry is an investment in the lives of individuals and families.  Central is blessed with a committed counselor in Joan Rademacher.
Joan donates the fees she receives to the church.
In addition, the Counseling Committee not only oversees and encourages Joan’s work, they also supply encouraging tracts to people in crisis.
$1,825 About $1,800 is the resource the church will provide for the Counseling Ministry
Homebound Ministry Homebound ministry involves care for those who can no longer get out of their homes for worship and ministry.
The funds are used to encourage the homebound in their relationship to the rest of the congregation.
$100 $100 is the resource that will help facilitate the homebound ministry.


Hospitality encompasses a wide variety of ministries, enabling those who come to our activities to experience a welcoming and safe environment.
Family Night The hospitality budget includes, for example, the additional cost of our Family Night suppers not covered by the money collected,
Night Parking Lot As well as the Wednesday night security guard.
$3,000 $3,000 is proposed for Hospitality.
Missions The Missions budget enables the mission trips that we take each year.
Chili cookoff Although there are fund-raising activities throughout the year that off-set the cost of these activities, the budgeted amount anticipates these expenditures.
$4,000 $4,000 is proposed for the missions budget.
Music and Worship

Choir with music

The budget item for music and worship reflects the costs of purchasing anthems
Choir and the maintenance of our instruments.
$500 $500 is the proposed budget for these aspects of music and worship.
$19,625 About $20,000 is the total for this part of our budget related to Local Church Ministries.
Staff Support

Payroll $235, 500.

The staff of Central Baptist Church leads the congregation in fulfilling the calling of God for ministry.
Our church payroll includes the salaries of our Pastor,
our Associate Pastor of Discipleship and Outreach,
our  Church Secretary,
our Financial Secretary.
our Custodian,
our (interim) Youth Director,
our (interim) Music Director,
our    Pianist,
our Organist,
and our nursery workers.
Payroll fees and taxes: $15,200 Some of the additional costs of our staffing are mandated by the government.
Worker’s Compensation: $2500

Other benefits: $3,000

Some costs are to protect the staff and the church from catastrophic costs should an unforeseen event occur,
Retirement for our full-time ministerial staff: $12,750 and some provide for the future security of our full- time staff.
$268,950 About $270,000 is the cost of staffing our church for ministry.
Supportive Ministries Supportive Ministries
For the church to minister in this time and place, there are supportive costs most of which are not discretionary.
The Building and Grounds Committee The Building and Grounds committee keeps our physical space functional and comfortable.
They supervise the repairs, maintenance and replacement of the physical plant and property.
$8,750 $8,750 is the proposed budget for the Building and Grounds support ministry.
Media Supply and Support Media Supply and Support provides audio visual and internet support for the church.
Our internet presence, our sound amplification in the sanctuary and other media projects are funded through this item.
$500 $500 is need for this ministry.
church bus Our church bus is kept in excellent mechanical condition by a group of dedicated and competent church members.
$500 $500 is the budgeted expenses for their work for this year.
Church office The church office coordinates church activities and ministries.
It is the office that keeps us informed about the needs of our members and the opportunities we have to serve our Lord through the church.
Paper, pens pencils, printouts, brochures, copies and phone calls are the stuff of this ministry.
$15,000 is budgeted for the church office.
Publicity Publicity is the way those outside our congregation find out what we are doing to fulfill our calling from God.
$300 $300 is budgeted for the ministry of publicity.
Taxes & Fees Taxes and fees meet our obligations to our community and to the agencies that we depend upon for their services.
$1,000 This item is in the church budget for taxes and fees.
$26,050 About $26,000 is the total budget for all these Supportive Ministries.
Insurance, etc.
$57,000 Insurance protects the property, the staff and the congregation from a variety of losses. The church is providing $57,000 for this purpose.
$500 Everyone who comes into contact with children and youth in a church sponsored position must have a background screening.
$57,500 $57,500 is budgeted for insurance and background checks.
Gas: $1,300

Electricity: $28,000

Telephone: $4,600

Water: $12,800

Utilities are necessary for the effective use of our buildings. Through paying these utilities, we enable the more visible ministries of the church to happen.
$46,700 A total of $46,700 is budgeted for utilities.
  Self-funded Ministries
There are two areas of ministry where the expenses are determined by the gifts toward those expenses.
We help people who come by the church seeking assistance.
$800 $800 is budgeted for assistance.
Flowers During the seasons of Easter and Christmas, members of the congregation purchase flowers to decorate the sanctuary.
$500 $500 is in the budget for flowers.
$1,300 $1,300 is the total for these self-funded ministries.
Children And Youth Retreats Children And Youth Retreats
We pay for our retreats for children and youth by fundraising activities and by fees to participants.
$12,000 $12,000 is the budget for these retreats.
$460,078 About $460,000 is our total budget for 2019.
$448,078 Taking out the funds for the retreat, our net budget is just over $448,000.
There is much ministry to be done in this church in the budget year of 2019.  With God’s help we will be able to meet the challenges.