Dear Central Family,

As promised on Sunday, attached is the ballot containing the recommendation of the church council, which met on August 25, last week. The Council has called for a church conference on September 14 to vote on their recommendation. We will have a communication meeting next Sunday (September 7) following worship to discuss the motion, and for questions to be asked and hopefully answered. If you have trouble opening the document, please make sure to call the church office, and we will be happy to mail one to you. If you know of someone who does not get email, but needs a copy of the sample ballot, please let us know and we will send it out to them by regular mail.

Many people have raised the question of absentee ballots. Our current by-laws require us to make provision for absentee ballots. However, the process must follow Roberts’ Rules of Order, the parliamentary procedure our By-Laws require. In order for absentee ballots to count, the following procedure should be followed:

1. The person requesting the ballot must request it themselves (either in person or by phone). Once requested, an envelope will be sent to that person with two envelopes inside, along with the absentee ballot. One envelope will be stamped and addressed to Central Baptist Church. The second will be a smaller, blank envelope.

2. Upon receiving the ballot, the voter should fill out their vote without writing their name on the ballot.

3. The voter should fold the ballot to keep secret their vote, and then place it in the empty envelope.

4. The voter should sign the blank envelope so the counting committee can verify that they are eligible to cast a vote (that they are a current member of Central)

5. Place the signed envelope in the self-addressed envelope, and place it in the mail. It must be received by September 12 (the last business day before the vote) in order to be tallied.

This process is intended to make sure that eligible voters have the opportunity to vote, and for their vote to remain secret.

I do hope that you will take the time to come to the communication meeting this week, as the process used by the special committee will be explained, as well as the outcome of discussions between the fundraising/foundation group and the special committee. I hope that you plan to attend, both September 7th and September 14th, as this is a very important decision in the life of our church.

Blessings to you,


Attachement:  Motion for September 14 download with the link to print or read the text below.

motion for September 14

Motion for September 14

The church council recommends that the camp be placed for sale, giving authority to the Trustees to sell the camp for more than the tax-assessed value without bringing an offer to the church for another vote. This authority will expire June 30, 2015. After that date, any offer that is less than the tax-assessed value must be brought to the church by the trustees for consideration.
I agree with this recommendation:



The above will be on the ballot for vote on September 14. Below are some talking points that might help you as you discern the Spirit’s leadership in this.

Pros to voting yes:
1. This will help to alleviate the annual budgetary burden caused by the deficit the camp was running at, ensuring that we will be more solvent and balanced in our ministry plan.
2. This will provide some needed capital to address future capital expenditures.
3. Should future ministry needs or opportunities and ideas come along, we will not be hamstrung financially in making a decision.
4. A fund allocation plan will be brought to and voted on by the church following a sale.
Cons to voting yes:
1. We will no longer own the camp, relinquishing control of its future
2. We will be selling our second largest monetary asset.

Pros to voting no:
1. We will still have the camp.
2. Summer camp at our camp is still a possibility, but will require a great deal of volunteer help (see below)
Cons to voting no:
1. Unless a large, “God-sized” gift comes in, we will have to shut down the camp, either partially or completely, to deal with our budget deficit. This, in turn, will affect our ability to sell it or re-vitalize it at a future date. Even if the camp is up for sale, this will likely have to take place to a certain extent following the first of the year.
2. We will have to find a way to balance the budget through different means, which could include reducing staff salaries or cutting staff, or shutting down other parts of our main campus.
3. We will have not have the money from the sale of the camp to address future ministry or capital expenditure needs.