Good morning and Happy Easter! Psalm 133 says, “How very good and pleasant it is when kindred live together in unity!” And today is a day where we can “live” together in unity.

We “live together” today because all of us, from family to dear friends to acquaintances, and even to those with whom our relationships are strained, are dwelling in the House of the Lord. And we are unified in remembering and claiming the event that serves as the central piece of our faith, the resurrection of Jesus the Messiah!

Easter is always special because of the pageantry that accompanies it, as well as the worship that takes place with the church family, and the preparation we all put in to make the worship special. But behind all of that, what drives the whole day is the story of Easter – the tomb rolled away, the appearance of the risen Jesus, and the re-forming of a community that shed the death and doubts of Friday, and claimed the new life of the resurrection.

I pray that as worship takes place today, you will find yourself examining the parts of you that need new life, and looking to the power of the resurrection to breathe that new life into you.

I pray that as you see people in worship today, you would breathe new life into old friendships and old relationships, but also new friendships, with a sense of Christian welcome and hospitality.

And most especially, I pray that on this day, you would be able to see the gift of God’s presence in worship, in your Christian brothers and sisters beside you, and in you.

Blessings to you and your family! He has risen! He has risen indeed!

Blessings, Sonny