Welcome to Easter at Central Baptist Church! It is our sincere hope that you feel welcomed in every aspect this morning. We are glad that you chose our congregation with which to share the most important day of the Christian year, and we hope that you will find yourself moved by God’s Spirit as you sing the songs, hear the prayers, and listen to the good news that comes from the Bible and from the sermon.

I hope that you will be able to see that this worship service has been on the minds of our people for quite some time, both in the planning and in the actual worship. Many people have participated in planning this service and in preparing the different elements that you will experience.

Over the last several months, we have become very intentional in making sure that our worship is intergenerational, so you will see children and youth leading us at times, as well as parents, and grandparents. We believe that people of all ages, from 3 to 93, play a part in the work and ministry of God, and we want to reflect that in our worship. These intergenerational moments are included, not just for the sake of being “intergenerational,” but so that we can hear and see and be inspired by the work of God as it is experienced and expressed in all ages.

So make sure that as you worship, you look for these moments, and allow them to lead you into God’s presence this morning. But even more than that, we want to become a more regular part of your life!

If you are visiting with us and live in the area, know that we are interested in developing a friendship with you, and wish to come alongside you in your spiritual journey. If you are a part of this church, but have simply fallen out of the habit of Sunday worship, know that you have been missed and you are needed! There are plenty of ways that we can plug you into ministries and opportunities for service. So don’t let this Easter go by without considering how you can be a part of helping our church be the people God wants us to be.

Enjoy worship today, and may God’s Spirit bless you this morning!