Dear Central Family:

I hope that your week is goes well, and that you have some good experiences of God’s love and grace this week. I wanted to give you an early start planning for upcoming events, things that are important to keep in mind for the next month or two. So here goes:

  1. Sunday, October 28th – Trunk or Treat – This year we are going to make our fall Trunk or Teat multi-generational! This is going to be lots of fun for all ages. We’ll still have the open trunks, but we’ll also have bingo, a bouncy house, and some other fun games for all ages. Time will be from 3-4:30
  2. November 1-4 (Thursday – Sunday)  – “The Beams Are Creaking” – This is a play that we will host at Central about Dietrich Bonhoeffer, who was an internationally famous pastor and theologian who got caught up in a plot to kill Hitler. Children, youth and adults from Central are a part of the play, so make plans to attend on our performances.
  3. Sunday, November 11 – Church conference – This is our annual church conference, in which we vote on our budget, our officers and committees for the next year, and the deacons who will serve a 3 year rotation. This is a critical day for the life of the church, so I hope you will make plans to be there.
  4. Deacon Nominations – We will be accepting deacon nominations until November 2nd at noon. Please turn in any nominations before then. Before you turn in a name, they must have agreed to serve as a deacon. Nominees must meet the following requirements:
  • -Member of the church before December 31, 2017.
  • -Active membership, in attendance and involvement in the church
  • -Passion for the ministry of the church
  1. Please continue in your generosity to the church. This is the time of the year when we know we have some “catching up” to do in our giving. Our church is completely dependent on the tithing of our families. We joyfully give because we know that God has been and is good to us. We give because we are a part of a community that depends on each other to continue in our ministry and our life together. So please consider your giving. Those who can give, and give generously, please do so. Your church thanks you!

I hope that you have a great week!

