April 13 Sonny’s Sayings

Noise. Most of us live with a fairly constant sense of noise in our life, whether it is the physical noisiness of our everyday life, or the noisiness of thoughts that are on our mind, whether it is things that happened in the past, or things that are ongoing, or...

Central Children

Children are “central” to God and therefore, “Children are Central” in our church! Opportunities for children to be involved in faith development experiences occur not only on Sunday and Wednesday, but on special occasions, holidays, and at...

Sonny’s Sayings March 16

“Be not angry that you cannot make others as you wish them to be, since you cannot make yourself as you wish to be.” That great quote is from Thomas Aquinas in The Imitation of Christ. In essence, he is saying, “stop trying to fix other people, when you can’t...