May 31 Sonny’s Sayings

Continuing with our series on balances that are achieved in our faith, today I want to reflect on the balance struck between personal and communal faith. On the surface, this might sound very similar to what I wrote about two weeks ago, the inward-outward parts of our...

May 24 Sonny’s Sayings

We have been talking the last few weeks about the subject of balance in our faith. We talked last week about the balance between the inward and outward journey of our faith, and before that about the balance between “head” faith and “heart” faith, as well as the...

May 17 Sonny’s Sayings

For the last couple of weeks we have talked about how our faith is a complex system of balances that we achieve. Two weeks ago, we talked about how we have to balance the “head” or knowledge part of our faith with the “heart” or experiential part of our faith. And...

May 10 Sonny’s Sayings

Last week we started a series of Sonny’s Sayings on the different aspects of our faith that we have to hold in balance. Last week we talked about the balance between head and heart, and how all of one or the other and none of one or the other are a good thing. This...

May 3 Sonny’s Sayings

Over the next few weeks, I want to spend some time talking about how our faith is about balance. In several different areas, a healthy faith views extremes with suspicion, and with fear and trembling, it holds a balance between two extremes. As an example, this week I...

April 26 Sonny’s Sayings

One of the trends in retail business these days is rewards programs. From gas stations to coffee shops to restaurants and clothing stores, companies are offering rewards programs. If you give them some information about yourself, like an email address or phone number,...