June 14 Sonny’s Sayings

This week we continue talking about the different ways that balance is required in our faith. I want to spend some time talking about the balance we need in our view of Jesus. Throughout the course of Christian history, people of faith have had to form a balance in...

June 7 Sonny’s Sayings

This week we continue talking about the different ways that balance is required in our faith. I want to spend some time talking about the balance we need in our view of Jesus. Throughout the course of Christian history, people of faith have had to form a balance in...

Register for Youth & Family Reunion Camp by Sunday

Dear Central Family: I want to take a second and remind you that the deadline for registering for the youth and family reunion camp is approaching. With the camp for sale, we wanted to give everyone a chance to be out at our camp, since the opportunities to do so may...

May 31 Sonny’s Sayings

Continuing with our series on balances that are achieved in our faith, today I want to reflect on the balance struck between personal and communal faith. On the surface, this might sound very similar to what I wrote about two weeks ago, the inward-outward parts of our...

May 24 Sonny’s Sayings

We have been talking the last few weeks about the subject of balance in our faith. We talked last week about the balance between the inward and outward journey of our faith, and before that about the balance between “head” faith and “heart” faith, as well as the...