A Message from Sonny

A Message from Sonny

Dear Central Family, This last week, we talked about the Temple that David was seeking to build in 1 Chronicles 29 as a house for God, and the offering that was required to get the materials that were needed for its construction. We talked about the Temple that we are...

November 9 Sonny’s Sayings

There are only two more spiritual gifts on our inventory from Galatians 5: gentleness and self-control. Likely, we all have ideas of gentleness that come from past experiences. At a fundamental level, we might have a memory of a parent’s loving touch that was offered...

Volunteers Needed!!!

During Steve Lauxman’s absence due to injury, the church will be utilizing a janitorial service along with volunteers. Anyone interested in volunteering can contact Ken Bryant (386-451-1023) Buildings and Grounds. Prayers to Steve for a speedy recovery.

November 2 Sonny’s Sayings

The next Spiritual gift on the list in Galatians 5 is faithfulness. As we have walked through the gifts listed in that chapter, we have reminded ourselves that Spiritual gifts are not natural talents or character attributes. Those are God-given, to be sure, but are a...