Last Weekly Herald This Week: Monthly Herald will come next week.
Last week’s anniversary celebration was certainly a highlight in the life of our church, wasn’t it? It was great to see people from long ago, and people from recent, all re-connecting.

It was also a great time of hearing the inspiring stories of people who captured a vision for ministry, and walked on faith with God to make great things happen. We needed some of those stories to remind us that God works in people who are willing to do Kingdom work, even now. To that end, I want to talk about 2 things:

First, many of you liked the layout and presentation of the program this weekend. You might have noticed that it contained all the news and events coming up for the month of September. To that end, we are going to try and send a monthly Herald, complete with articles, pictures and upcoming events for the month, instead of the weekly Herald you have been receiving.

This will give you a chance to plan ahead for the month; it will give us a chance to make a better presentation and explanation of what is coming up in our church; and it cost the church about the same. So this will be the last weekly Herald, and next week, you will receive a newsletter for the month of October.

We will be sending out an email update each week that will have reminders for the week, a short prayer list, and other pertinent things to keep you informed, but it will be short and to the point.

Second, Andy Rawls has agreed to make another video titled, “We are Central: 60 years and Counting!” with the intent of showing it in a setting where we can begin to covenant with each other around tables about accomplishing the things presented in the video. Be on the lookout for information about this important time of thinking forward in the life of our church.

The previous 60 years in our church came about from a unique combination of God’s provision, God’s broad vision, God’s grace, and the willingness of our people to respond to that vision and trust that God would see us through. The same will be true of our next 60 years. Let us commit to it together. Blessings, Sonny